Step into the magical world of Aloe Vera, the synergistic goddess of ingredients in skincare! Imagine yourself transported back in time to ancient Egypt, where the legendary Queen Cleopatra valued this wonder plant as a staple in her beauty routine. Known for her timeless beauty, Cleopatra used Aloe Vera daily to maintain the elasticity and radiance of her skin.

The gel from the Aloe plant has natural moisturising and healing properties, making it an ideal ingredient for skincare. But did you know that the history of Aloe Vera goes even further back? The ancient Egyptians recognised the benefits of Aloe Vera for healthy skin, believing in its magical properties to promote youthful and glowing skin. Aloe Vera was used for medical treatments, beauty care, and even embalming in the ancient Nile Valley civilization of Kemet.

Contrary to popular belief, Aloe Vera is not a cactus, but a succulent plant belonging to the lily family. Its leaves are composed of three layers, each with its own unique properties that contribute to the plant’s healing and moisturising capabilities. The inner clear gel contains 99% water and essential nutrients, while the middle layer of latex holds anthraquinones and glycosides. The outer rind acts as a protective barrier and synthesises carbohydrates and proteins.

As a naturopath specialising in skincare, I have witnessed firsthand the transformative power of Aloe Vera for both internal and external use. Whether you incorporate it into your daily beauty routine like Cleopatra or reap its medicinal benefits, Aloe Vera continues to stand the test of time as a versatile and effective ingredient in skin and health care.

Aloe Vera is brimming with an array of rich beneficial components, including mucopolysaccharides; antioxidants such as beta-carotene (Vitamin A), Vitamin C, and Vitamin E; essential amino acids; fatty acids; enzymes; minerals; sugars; lignin; saponins; and more. These active constituents work synergistically to nourish, heal, and rejuvenate the skin, making Aloe Vera a versatile and potent ingredient in skincare formulations. The healing properties of Aloe Vera are attributed to its ability to interact with growth factor receptors on fibroblasts, stimulating collagen synthesis and enhancing wound healing.

Moreover, Aloe Vera’s anti-inflammatory, moisturising, and anti-aging effects have been extensively studied, showcasing its ability to enhance skin elasticity, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, and soothe irritation. The plant’s moisturising properties help bind moisture to the skin, while its amino acids and zinc contribute to skin softness and pore tightening.

In the realm of internal medicinal herbal formulations, Aloe Vera shines as a natural ally in promoting digestive health, liver function, and blood sugar balance. By incorporating Aloe Vera tinctures into herbal remedies, we can harness its detoxifying properties to support optimal liver function and promote overall liver health. As such, Aloe Vera’s healing properties extend to supporting liver health, making it a valuable and versatile addition to medicinal herbal formulations.

Aloe Vera’s anti-inflammatory properties can aid in soothing gastrointestinal discomfort, promoting healthy digestion, and supporting optimal gut function. Aloe vera tinctures, when taken orally, may alleviate indigestion, gastritis, and other digestive issues, offering a gentle and natural approach to digestive wellness. In this context, the natural compounds found in Aloe Vera can work synergistically to promote digestive health.

In the Cell Defence skincare range, developed by me, Aloe Vera is incorporated into various products such as cleansers, serums, and moisturisers to provide deep hydration, support skin regeneration, protect against free radicals, promote collagen production, and much more. This range leverages the synergistic benefits of Aloe Vera in combination with other carefully selected ingredients, to work together harmoniously in skincare formulations. In addition to its already impressive array of beneficial components Aloe Vera notably contains Lignin, a remarkable substance that enhances the absorption of other ingredients into the skin, thereby amplifying their effectiveness. This special component sets Aloe Vera apart, making it an exceptional ingredient in skincare formulations.

With its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, Aloe Vera is particularly effective in cleansing oily and acne-prone skin, making it an ideal ingredient for those with sensitive skin. In serums, Aloe Vera helps in addressing various skin concerns such as acne, dark spots, and fine lines and wrinkles while also promoting the healing and soothing of sensitive skin. The moisturisers in the Cell Defence range, enriched with Aloe Vera, offer intense hydration and promote anti-aging by stimulating collagen production and enhancing skin elasticity. From assisting in wound healing to protecting against infection and inflammation, the versatile properties of Aloe Vera make it a beloved botanical powerhouse with a long history of skincare and healing benefits.

Aloe Vera in serums can penetrate deep into the skin, delivering nourishing and regenerative benefits. It can help in reducing hyperpigmentation, dark spots, and acne scars, while also promoting cell turnover and collagen production for firmer and more radiant skin.

In moisturisers, Aloe Vera acts as a humectant, attracting and locking in moisture to keep the skin hydrated and supple. Its soothing properties can help in calming redness and irritation, making it suitable for those with sensitive skin or conditions like eczema or psoriasis. The hydrating effects of Aloe Vera provide a protective barrier on the skin, preventing moisture loss and maintaining a healthy skin barrier function.

Free radicals can accelerate skin aging, leading to wrinkles and dull-looking skin, but Aloe Vera’s antioxidative properties help combat these effects. By neutralising the free radicals, Aloe Vera helps to minimise oxidative stress on the skin and prevent premature aging. The plant’s natural anti-inflammatory properties also aid in calming irritation, redness, and swelling, making it a gentle yet effective ingredient for soothing various skin concerns.

Ultimately, at Cell Defence we believe in harnessing the power of nature to create skincare products that are not only effective but also safe and nurturing for your skin. Our range of skincare products incorporates the healing properties of Aloe Vera along with other carefully selected ingredients to provide holistic benefits for your skin. Whether you seek to moisturise and soothe dry skin, combat signs of aging, or address specific skin concerns, Aloe Vera stands as a natural ally in skincare.

When it comes to internal medicinal herbal formulations, Aloe Vera continues to shine as a natural ally in promoting overall wellness. In addition to its skincare benefits, Aloe Vera supports digestive health, liver function, and blood sugar balance when taken internally. Aloe Vera tinctures can aid in soothing gastrointestinal discomfort, promoting healthy digestion, and supporting optimal gut function. The plant’s detoxifying properties make it a valuable addition to internal herbal remedies to promote overall wellness.

Aloe Vera’s remarkable properties extend beyond skincare and internal wellness to include alkalising benefits for the body. Despite being an acidic fruit, Aloe Vera has an alkalising effect on the body when consumed. This alkalising effect can help balance the body’s pH levels, which is crucial for maintaining overall health. By supporting a more alkaline environment in the body, Aloe Vera can aid in neutralising acidity, reducing inflammation, and promoting optimal cellular function. Incorporating Aloe Vera into your diet or wellness routine can play a role in supporting a healthy alkaline balance within the body, contributing to improved vitality and well-being.


Embrace the wisdom of nature and explore the transformative potential of Aloe Vera in both skincare and internal medicinal herbal formulations on your path towards holistic health and well-being. From Cleopatra’s beauty secrets to modern-day skincare innovations, Aloe Vera continues to captivate us with its magical properties and versatile benefits. Discover the ancient healing powers of Aloe Vera and unlock the radiant glow of your skin with the botanical wonders of nature.