Kale is a particularly nutritious and supportive food for eye health. Including it in your daily diet may actually keep the eye doctor away!
Let’s look at nutrients which help to nourish your eyes, both internally and externally. And check out the delicious kale recipes on our Recipes page to help you include kale into your day.
Lutein and Zeaxanthin
- Rich in carotenoids often referred to as the “eye vitamins”.
- Together they protect the retina from wear and tear, the macula from sun damage and slow down the onset of cataracts.
- Enhances vision.
- Is an antioxidant, filters blue light and protects against the environment.
- Can promote skin tone and skin-lightening and improve skin health.
- Overall skin tone and skin-lightening-improving effects with oral supplementation of lutein and zeaxanthin isomers: a double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial – PubMed (nih.gov)
Foods containing Lutein and Zeaxanthin:
- Kale, spinach broccoli, basil, parsley, egg yolks, kiwi fruit, artichokes.
- Absorbed best when taken with food that has a high fat content.
Suggested Products for External Eye Skin Care:
Caratenoid – Astaxanthin
- The extra oxygen atoms found in Astaxanthin give it a distinctive red colour.
- It is one of the most known powerful antioxidants which can help to clean up free radicals and assist in protecting the eyes from oxidative stress.
- Has been shown to have anti-wrinkle and antioxidant effects.
- Astaxanthin vs Zeaxanthin vs Lutein: What to Know | Care/of (takecareof.com)
Foods containing Astaxanthin:
- Marine foods, eg salmon, shrimp, crayfish, krill, trout and algae.
Suggested Products for External Eye Skin Care:
- Can help our bodies to make a hormone called prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) which is essential for the formation of tears.
Foods containing Magnesium:
- Pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, almonds, lima beans, lentils, spinach, leafy greens, avocados, artichokes, water, rolled oats cooked in unsalted water.
Vitamin B6
- Aids in the absorption of magnesium.
- Can help our bodies to make a hormone called prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) which is essential for the formation of tears.
Foods containing Vitamin B6:
- Chickpeas, fish, beef liver and other organ meats, potatoes, fruit, other than citrus
- One of the principle components that contain tear film.
Foods containing Potassium:
- Banana, artichokes, potatoes, cooked spinach, zucchini, yoghurt.
Vitamin A and its precursor, beta-glucan
- Keeps the surface of your eyes and eyelids healthy.
- Provides great moisture retention, powerful hydration and assists in skin regeneration and repair.
- Pair with Zinc to help the liver deliver Vitamin A to the retina. The retina is then able to produce melanin that prevents ultraviolet rays from damaging eyes.
Foods containing Vitamin A and its precursor, beta-glucan:
- Most orange fruits and vegetables, eg carrots, sweet potatoes, apricots, almond milk, oysters, chickpeas, yoghurt.
Suggested Products for External Eye Skin Care:
Vitamin C
Foods containing Vitamin C:
- Kiwi fruit, pineapple, orange and red fruits, and vegetables, e.g. oranges, red capsicum, strawberries
Suggested Products for External Eye Skin Care:
Vitamin D
- Relieves inflammation and helps the macula heal.
- Helps to protect eyes from diseases.
Foods containing Vitamin D:
- Dairy milk, egg yolk, salmon, sardines, fortified yoghurts, orange juices, soy beverages.
- A very small amount of exposure to sunlight, e.g. 10 minutes
Vitamin E
- An antioxidant that helps to protect the eyes and eye skin against free radicals.
Foods containing Vitamin E:
- Almonds, wheat germ oil, sunflower seeds.
Suggested Products for External Eye Skin Care:
Vitamin K
- Helps to maintain skin elasticity.
- Helps to keep capillaries in the skin in sound condition.
- Helps to inhibit elastin degradation.
Foods containing Vitamin K:
- Kale, seaweed (algae), kiwi fruit, blueberries, blueberry fruit extract, blackberries, artichokes, Blueberry fruit extract, seaweed (algae).
Suggested Products for External Eye Skin Care:
Omega-3 fatty acids
Foods containing Omega-3 fatty acids:
- Flaxseeds or flaxseed oil, salmon, tuna, chia seeds, walnuts
- Useful for retinal haemorrhage.
- Dependent on Vitamin D in order to be absorbed into the body.
Foods containing Phosphorus:
- Artichoke, egg yolk.
- Protects the retina of the eye and has shown to improve the quality of tears.
- Has shown to have protective effects against UVB radiation.
Foods containing Quercetin:
- Onions, green leafy vegetables, apples, honey, citrus fruits.
- Necessary for the production of glutathione, an important antioxidant for the lens of the eye.
- Anti-inflamatory, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal agent.
- Can help to fade dark circles.
- Used for dryness, redness of the eye and lid and allergies.
Foods containing Sulfur:
- The onion group, e.g. onions, garlic, leeks, shallots.
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