Charmaine D is a university qualified Naturopath (BHSc), as well as a Remedial Skin Therapist (Corneotherapist), with a passion for helping clients achieve long-term, optimal health – both inside & out.

Charmaine D’s treatment protocols include non-invasive treatments and diagnostic modalities, avoiding at all times interfering with the body’s natural functional capacity and healing process, enhancing healthy ageing and aiding the reversing disease processes. Financial and time availability needs to be sustainable for each client and this is her focus. To find out more about Charmaine’s background and philosophies, click ‘About Charmaine D’ in the menu above.

The functional medicine model (used by Charmaine D in her vitae mosaic method of consultation) is an individualised, patient-centred, science-based approach that empowers patients and practitioners to work together to address the underlying causes of disease and promote optimal wellness. It relies on a detailed understanding of each patient’s genetic, biochemical, and lifestyle factors and leverages that data to direct personalised treatment plans that lead to improved patient outcomes. By addressing root cause, rather than symptoms, practitioners become orientated to identifying the complexity of disease. They may find one condition has many different causes and, likewise one cause may result in many different conditions. As a result, Functional Medicine treatment targets the specific manifestations of disease in each individual.



STEP 1: Free Pre-assessment phone call – Click ‘Book Online’ above to book now.

Your free pre-assessment 15 min phone call with Charmaine D will provide you with a full explanation of her services and what service will be best suited for your personal requirements.

STEP 2: Initial Consultation

Book your initial consultation online or go to the contact details to contact Charmaine D.

Once your booking is confirmed for the initial consultation of 75 minutes for $145 or you may like to take advantage of one of the package prices available on the price list (this can be organised at your consult with Charmaine D personally). You will then be emailed an online consultation form which is quite comprehensive – however it means Charmaine D will know so much more about you and your health journey prior to your meeting. Charmaine D will prepare your client card using this information and this will direct her to a more understanding before you arrive. At the initial consultation of 75 minutes Charmaine D will discuss your current and prioritise your concerns and take a lot of notes and talk to you one on one about your condition.


STEP 3: Investigation Phase

Charmaine D may suggest you undertake a range of investigations and this will be supplied as part of Step 4 – Charmaine D will discuss with you the price of further investigations and work with you taking your budget into consideration. Investigation suggestions may include: Blood, urine. Saliva or hair tissue analysis. Some may be done through your general practitioner or specialists and some may need to be organised our clinic.Within the clinic Charmaine D offers – Iridology and body composition and both are very valuable tools to determine your health protocols.

You may like to read Oxygen for life blog to understand how Charmaine D works with her clients. Click here to read

STEP 4: Treatment Protocol Developed

Charmaine D will be able to formulate a total picture of your  health and establish a personalised treatment and maintenance protocol for you. With a goal of achieving homeostasis within your body system functions, Charmaine D will work with you on your journey back to health.

STEP 5: Follow-up Consultations

Charmaine D will organise a follow-up consultation for you, one week after your initial consultation, to ensure you’re on the right path and responding well to treatment. See below for pricing.


Why You? Free Consult! With Charmaine D Naturopath – Where did you lose your oxygen for life Skin or Health Consult!

30 minutes my time gifted to you! (available one per person for free) Why You? Because I care where you may have lost your oxygen for life in your skin or body health.

Read more about “Why You Consultation





$145 for 75 minutes (or other package prices seen on the price list can be organised with Charmaine D at your consult)

  • Consultation intake form to be filled out and submitted via email to the clinic 24 hours before consultation appointment.
  • 75 minutes face to face (in clinic) or virtual/phone consultation– investigating all areas required to determine your bespoke protocols towards regaining your health or treating your condition.
  • Full analysis of each body system to determine a wholistic treatment protocol. A functional naturopath looks at the body as a whole entity, therefore good healthy skin and body requires each body system to work in unity – using naturopathic principles in all protocols.
  • Iridology photos and viewed assessment.
  • Nail and tongue analysis.
  • Lifestyle, physiological, pathological, psychological advice will be available as required.
  • Referral programs or further assessments / testing will be recommended if required.
  • Bespoke Protocol for treatments – initial package and ongoing requirements set out and priced – sustainability is our focus.
  • Bespoke Skin Regimes for home use if this is your issue – simple with results driven ingredients.
  • Bespoke Prescription Regimes for internal body health including recommendations for formulations from the Your Herbal Remedy bar, including mineral and nutraceuticals as required.  Click on ‘Your Herbal Remedy Bar’ in the menu above for more details.
  • Nutritional advise using food as medicine where applicable.
  • MetaScan body composition analysis – additional cost of $65 when necessary. Includes take home printouts and full explanation in writing provided. CLICK HERE for more information on MetaScan.


Follow up consultation one week after initial is $65 for 30 minutes or can be paid with the initial consultation for an extra $40.

The follow up provides you with:

  • Written protocol and plan of action – short term, medium term, long term.
  • Summary of the initial consultation and where to from there.
  • Copies and explanations of any investigations performed on the day.
  • Summary of investigations required
  • Plan of action discussed and changed for sustainability if required.
  • Future recommendations and consultations, fully discussed.
  • Emailed everything discussed at the follow up to have for your records
  • Prescriptions for the future discussed for sustainability.
  • If further investigations are required – future consultations and follow ups will be organised.


30 minute or 60 minute follow up sessions will be determined at the end of your current consult and booked in.

Click here to see our price list to understand different available consults and packages




Charmaine D utilises the Vitae Mosaic principles in her naturopathy consultations.

The following comes from the course she has completed with a well-recognised naturopath in the industry called Carla Wrenn. It sums up how Charmaine D has chosen, through Carla’s training, to treat her naturopath clientele.

Vitae Mosaic is a style of Functional Medicine that is better suited to Australian Naturopaths more advance holistic knowledge using our naturopathic language, and tailored to our Australian style of practice and healthcare environment.

Naturopathic Medicine + Functional medicine = game changing crisis resolving healthcare.

Our knowledge diversity I believe is second to none…

  • we are problem solvers
  • we thoroughly understand pathophysiology, from cellular biochemistry to systems biology
  • we are scientists, we are researchers, we know how to find out
  • we individualise, we understand and look for causes, we read between the lines
  • we use traditional knowledge from the beginning of time
  • we use the latest evidence informed clinical trials, epigenetics, microbiome research
  • we have time to listen, we put the person, the CARE, back into healthcare
  • We find the cause and we treat the cause
  • We provide symptom relief that does no harm

Charmaine D has been trained to recognise the Vitae Mosaic system, allows her to achieve:

  • A better quality of patient care
  • Be more thorough
  • Find information no one has
  • Create a better relationship
  • A better treatment strategy and plan
  • Solve problems

The consultations using the vitae mosaic method, asks the patient to join in correcting and amplifying the story promoting true understanding. A partnership where both participate you as a client and Charmaine D as the naturopath can aim to achieve results from joint goals and to improve your health.

For you as the client it makes sense easily explained, easy to see reasoning, through the time-line information gathered during your consultation. Great insight for you as the patient into what is actually going on.

It gives you the patient pieces of the past and present that led to where you are now with the condition you have presented with.

This understanding of cause and effect is initiated to motivate you to change and participate in your treatment protocols.

By spanning time from preconception to the present the vitae timeline graphically reflects the connection between the whole life span and your current health.

Vitae mosaic Timeline and Mosaic spectrum provides Charmaine D with the framework to capture your story. Gather information (and more) in a organised form, that captures and filters all the mosaic pieces into a clear and individualised story. Creating a clearer picture, clear direction and for a solid plan to start to work within.


“A difference of thinking – Functional Medicine is not a new modality, it’s a new specialty, it’s not a new technique, its not about testing, it’s not about supplements – it is really a new way of thinking about the puzzle of Chronic Disease, how we get sick, and how we get well.”

Quote by Mark Hyman, AFMCP, Atlanta, Georgia, 2015

“Functional Medicine asks how and why illness occurs and restores health by addressing the root causes of disease for each individual person.”

Quote by Carla Wrenn 

Conditions & Concerns Addressed by Charmaine D

Women’s Health
Men’s Health
Teenage Challenges
Hormone Imbalance
Endometriosis & PCOS
Menopause & Andropause
Metabolic and Weight Concerns
Pre/Post Cancer
Breast Implant Illness
Osteoporosis & Arthritic Pain
Acute/Chronic Pain Management
Bladder/Kidney/Liver Health


Acne & Rosacea
Eczema & Psoriasis
Dermatitis (many forms)
Auto-Immune Lupus and Urticaria
Sun Damage including
Actinic Keratosis and Cheilitis
Herpes Virus & Shingles
Lack of Lustre/Dehydrated
Allergic Reactions/Sensitised

Stress & Anxiety
Insomnia – Sleep Patterns
Chronic & Adrenal Fatigue
HPA Axis Dysfunction
Thyroid Conditions
Autoimmune Conditions
Blood Pressure & Cholesterol Concerns
Cardiovascular/Lymphatic Concerns
Migraines & Headaches
MTHFR & Genetic Issues

Gut and Gastric issues
Crohns Disease
Ulcerative Colitis
Leaky Gut Syndrome
Food Reactivity/Sensitivity
Immune Deficiency
Mould illness & Lyme-Like Illness
Allergies & Hayfever
Histamine Activation & MCAS
Anemia & Vitamin/Mineral Imbalance
Plus 50+ other concerns that can be addressed